
Model at 500 calorieën per dag en deelt nu inspirerende foto’s

Tot op de dag van vandaag is het perfecte modellen lichaam in vergelijking met een doorsnee vrouw erg aan de dunne kant. Veel van de dames die geld verdienen met poseren houden zich dan ook aan een strikt dieet om hun rankje lijntje te behouden. Maar model Liza Golden-Bhojwani trekt zich daar inmiddels niks meer van aan. 

Op zeventienjarige leeftijd kwam Liza in aanmerking met modellenwerk. Ze vertelt dat het haar een ‘adrenaline rush’ gaf. Toen ze op een nacht flauwviel in haar appartement terwijl ze haar te 'magere' maaltijd klaarmaakte, besloot ze drastisch het roer om te gooien. ”I think it was 20 pieces of steamed edamame if I remember correctly."  

Liza besloot geen strak voedingsschema meer te volgen. Ze wilde haar lichaam niet langer tegen werken en ging weer eten wat ze wilde. Dit was dan ook meteen 500 calorieën per dag meer, waardoor ze binnen een korte tijd erg veel aankwam. "I had seriously just given up on my short lived high fashion career, because I just simply could not hack it."


Current mood 😁 Captured by: @vijitgupta #becauseimhappy #happythoughts #effyourbeautystandards #lovetheskinyourein

Een bericht gedeeld door Liza Golden-Bhojwani (@lizagoldenreal) op

Twee jaar later, na het opgeven van haar carrière, kwam Liza weer in contact met modellenwerk. Liza slaagde er toen helaas niet meer in om een baan te scoren. Ze herpakte zichzelf en besloot gezonder te gaan eten en fitter te worden. Maar alleen met het verkeerde doel. "I was struggling to lose weight again, and one day I just thought ... why am I fighting against my body? Why don't I just go in the same direction? Stop forcing my own agenda and just listen to my body. And that's what I did, slowly slowly I was coming into my true body form. My natural self, not my forced self,"

Anno 2017 is Liza een stuk zelfverkerder geworden. Door haar heftige maar ook inspirerende verhaal te delen, hoopt Liza dat andere modellen ervan kunnen leren. 

Bekijk hieronder de voor en na foto’s.


A little flashback Friday action for you. This caption will be long and won't fit, so if you'd like to read please find the rest in the comment section....The left side was me at the start of the peak of my career. My first proper fashion week where I was actually the size I needed to be. I was booking amazing shows that one never thinks they actually could, walking with girls who I once looked up to, it was a serious adrenaline rush...but after fainting one night in my apt whilst preparing one of my very low cal meals (I think it was 20 pieces of steamed edamame if I remember correctly), I called it quits with the diet and workout regime I was put on and decided I could do it on my own. I thought to myself, I can still be this thin, but I'll just eat a little more so I don't feel so horrible. Well, eating a little more turned into eating nearly a bag full of almonds, which then turned into eating full size meals, which then turned into a full blown binge. I was craving every single food you could imagine and I was giving in to every craving even though I knew this was such an important time in my career. I made it through NYFW okay, no one had noticed any weight gain, but by the time I had gotten the LFW I could see the pounds starting to show both in the mirror and on the measuring tape, but I kept quiet obviously not wanting to sabotage myself. I found myself going to the grocery store and picking up raw vegetables to try and make up for the near two week binge I had in NY, but I didn't see any weight coming off no matter how "healthy" I was eating and no matter how many workouts I fit in. MFW came and I knew I was bigger and by bigger I mean a 35.5in hip rather than the 34.5in hip I started with in NY, I played it cool and just pretended everything was normal. I did end up booking shows, Dolce & Gabbana being one of them. Which I afterwards received online criticism about my thighs looking fat...Anyways PFW came about, and I found it impossible to resist those chocolate croissants 🙊 I went on many a casting with one exclusive option being on my schedule, but after meeting the client I knew the reason for me not nailing the gig, my size...

Een bericht gedeeld door Liza Golden-Bhojwani (@lizagoldenreal) op

Beeld: Getty

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