
Meghan Markle heeft de handen ineengeslagen met de Britse Vogue en het resultaat is fantastisch!

Meghan Markle heeft de handen ineengeslagen met de Britse Vogue en het resultaat is fantastisch!

Het septembernummer is de belangrijkste uitgave van modetijdschriften in een jaar: hierin worden namelijk de trends voor de herfst en winter onder de loep genomen. Traditiegetrouw is het magazine altijd het dikst en wordt er een hoop geïnvesteerd in een goede coverster met een bijbehorend diepteinterview. Dit bepaald immers hoe goed het magazine verkocht gaat worden.

De hoofdredacteur van de Britse Vogue, Edward Enninful, heeft de handen ineengeslagen met niemand minder dan Meghan Markle. De nieuwbakken royal staat echter niet zelf op de cover. Het blad heeft als thema 'Forces of change' en daarom liet de duchess vijftien vrouwen die een inspiratie vormen én een spiegel, omdat jij ook jezelf moet inspireren, op de cover plaatsen. Onder andere Jacinda Ardern (premier van Nieuw-Zeeland), Greta Thunberg (een vrouw die strijdt tegen klimaatverandering), Orange Is The New Black actrice Laverne Cox en model Adwoa Aboah hebben een plekje op de voorpagina gekregen. In het nummer staat een interview met Michelle Obama, gedaan door Meghan, en een stuk over het gesprek wat prins Harry had met antropoloog en bioloog Jane Goodall. 

Meghan vertelt over het septembernummer en de samenwerking met Vogue: "These last seven months have been a rewarding process, curating and collaborating with Edward Enninful to take the year’s most read fashion issue and steer its focus to the values, causes and people making impact in the world today. Through this lens I hope you’ll feel the strength of the collective in the diverse selection of women chosen for the cover as well as the team of support I called upon within the issue to help bring this to light. I hope readers feel as inspired as I do, by the ‘Forces for Change’ they’ll find within these pages."


We are proud to announce that Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Sussex is the Guest Editor for the September issue of @BritishVogue. For the past seven months, The Duchess has curated the content with British Vogue's Editor-in-Chief Edward Enninful to create an issue that highlights the power of the collective. They have named the issue: “Forces for Change” For the cover, The Duchess chose a diverse selection of women from all walks of life, each driving impact and raising the bar for equality, kindness, justice and open mindedness. The sixteenth space on the cover, a mirror, was included so that when you hold the issue in your hands, you see yourself as part of this collective. The women on the cover include: @AdwoaAboah @AdutAkech @SomaliBoxer @JacindaArdern @TheSineadBurke @Gemma_Chan @LaverneCox @JaneFonda @SalmaHayek @FrankieGoesToHayward @JameelaJamilOfficial @Chimamanda_Adichie @YaraShahidi @GretaThunberg @CTurlington We are excited to announce that within the issue you’ll find: an exclusive interview between The Duchess and former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama, a candid conversation between The Duke of Sussex and Dr Jane Goodall, inspirational articles written by Brené Brown, Jameela Jamil and many others. Equally, you’ll find grassroots organisations and incredible trailblazers working tirelessly behind the scenes to change the world for the better. “Guest Editing the September issue of British Vogue has been rewarding, educational and inspiring. To deep dive into this process, working quietly behind the scenes for so many months, I am happy to now be able to share what we have created. A huge thanks to all of the friends who supported me in this endeavour, lending their time and energy to help within these pages and on the cover. Thank you for saying “Yes!” - and to Edward, thank you for this wonderful opportunity.” - The Duchess of Sussex #ForcesForChange

Een bericht gedeeld door The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) op

Edward vertelt op zijn beurt over de samenwerking: "To have the country’s most influential beacon of change guest edit ​British Vogue at this time has been an honor, a pleasure and a wonderful surprise. As you will see from her selections throughout this magazine, she is also willing to wade into more complex and nuanced areas, whether they concern female empowerment, mental health, race or privilege. We talked about the cover — whether she would be on it or not. In the end, she felt that it would be in some ways a ‘boastful’ thing to do for this particular project. She wanted, instead, to focus on the women she admires."


I am thrilled to reveal the cover of the September 2019 issue of @BritishVogue – and to introduce you to the bold, brilliant and inspirational woman who has guest edited it with me: HRH The Duchess of Sussex @SussexRoyal. For the past few months, the Duchess and I have been working together on this shared passion project: to dedicate British Vogue’s biggest issue of the year to all the remarkable women who are redefining our world for the better. We have called it – and them – our #ForcesForChange. The story begins with this cover, starring 15 changemakers, all titans in their respective fields, who have been personally selected by the Duchess and myself for the powerful and positive differences they are making in our world. The 16th slot will appear as a mirror on the printed cover, and was included at the special request of the Duchess to show that you – that all of us, in fact – are part of this moment too. It’s been a real labour of love and I feel very humbled today to be able to finally unveil it to the world. Read about how the Duchess became the first guest editor of the September issue in the magazine’s 103-year history at now, and discover the full cover story in the new issue, on newsstands Friday 2 August. Photographed by @TheRealPeterLindbergh, with fashion editors @Edward_Enninful and @TheRealGraceCoddington, hair by @BartPumpkin and @SergeNormant, make-up by @TheValGarland and @Diane.Kendal, nails by @LorraineVGriffin and @YukoTsuchihashi. Starring: @AdwoaAboah @AdutAkech @SomaliBoxer @JacindaArdern @TheSineadBurke @Gemma_Chan @LaverneCox @JaneFonda @SalmaHayek @FrankieGoesToHayward @JameelaJamilOfficial @Chimamanda_Adichie @YaraShahidi @GretaThunberg @CTurlington

Een bericht gedeeld door Edward Enninful, OBE (@edward_enninful) op

Het is overigens niet de eerste keer dat vrouwen van het Britse koningshuis de handen ineenslagen met Vogue. Prinses Diana stond vier keer (in 1981, 1991, 1994 en 1997) op de cover van het magazine en Kate Middleton prijkte op de voorpagina van het juninummer van 2016.

Het septembernummer van de Britse Vogue waaraan Meghan werkte, is vanaf 2 augustus in Groot-Brittannië te koop. Nederland zal iets later volgen.

Beeld: Getty Images
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