
Chatten met mode experts

Op de website van de Times Online kun je tegenwoordig chatten met mode-experts. Heb je een fashion emergency, dan kun je daar dus live je vraag stellen!

Moderedacteur Alice Olins beantwoord namelijk allerlei vragen op modegebied, zoals "How do you cheer yourself up with clothes when it is so damp and cool?", waarop Alice antwoordt: "I cheer myself up by wearing summer dresses over tights and leggings. That way at least your summer wardrobe gets an outing, also make sure you still wear lots of colour".

Ook een goede vraag: "What kind of leggings are still acceptable and won't make me look like a 15 year old hanging around outside the chippy?" Het antwoord: "when it comes to leggings it isn't necessarily the type you wear  - leggings are all pretty much the same - it's how you wear them.   Keep your tops long enough to at least skim your thighs, and perhaps bypass the shiny legging trend that has popped over of the last few months. I hope this helps."

Heb jij nog een prangende vraag? (Monique)

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