Vero Moda Very komt deze winter met een exclusieve party collection met Deense blogger Pernille Teisbæk, van blog, als gezicht van het merk. De collectie bevat een elegante mix van kleuren, met helder blauw, bordeaux en oranje als basis, gecombineerd met karakteristieke, zwarte stijlen. Er is gebruik gemaakt van asymmetrische snits, gedrapeerde vormen en verschillende materialen, zoals wol, zijde en leer.
Pernille werkte als moderedacteur en model voordat ze haar blog begon. Al snel is ze opgeklommen tot de top van de Scandinavische modebloggers. Ze is erg enthousiast over de samenwerking, het interview lees je hieronder.

You are a very successful blogger, model, stylist, and now the face of Vero Moda Very. How do you see the match between you and the brand?
"We both share a love of leather and denim... it’s always a good start to share the same passions! Vero Moda Very makes clothes for normal girls like me, who prefer a style that is comfort- able, fashionable and affordable.
What do you hope to contribute to the brand?
I hope I can give Vero Moda Very some of my positive energy, feminine personality and a rock ’n’ roll touch.
You are an established blogger. How do you see the influence of blogging on fashion today? Bloggers can showcase their own personal look and how they use the different trends for each season, without any restrictions. Their personal way of styling and combining outfits can be very inspiring for designers and fashion lovers alike.
Which two items from the collection are your favourites – and how will you wear them?
The bordeaux leather trousers are my favourite; i love the colour and the material. I would wear them with a simple T- shirt and high heels... and maybe a blazer for a more formal look. I also like the dress with the light-blue, oversized transparent top and tight skirt, because it shapes your body perfectly and is very sexy.