Het gaat goed met Lauren Conrad! Haar dagen als reality ster liggen ver achter haar: inmiddels is ze mode ontwerper, schrijver en bovenal stijlicoon. Marie Claire strikte Lauren voor de cover van het julinummer en gaf naast enkele mooie foto’s ook quotes uit het interview vrij. Wij zetten de leukste voor je op een rijtje:
Over haar vriend, William Tell: “He is very good for me because we have a lot in common as far as where we grew up. It’s the first time I’m with someone and I’m not explaining things. He also has experience in the entertainment industry, so he understands a lot of things that people don’t always get.”
Over negativiteit: “There is always gonna be a little bit of…negativity, which just comes with the territory. You realize it doesn’t matter. It’s so simple, but it’s a very hard lesson to learn. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really affect you in any way.”
Over het hoe en waarom van haar nieuwe boek, Infamous: "I only ever got to tell half of my story. People are very quick to judge these days, especially behind the anonymity of a screen name. It's very easy to say, 'I hate her, I hate what she wore, she seems mean.' But you're only seeing a small fraction of her life."
Over opnames in clubs: “It feels done for me. I’m OK with it being done…I destroyed my voice when I moved to L.A. There are polyps all over my vocal chords because I was in a lot of loud places. If you listen to the first episode of Laguna, my voice is completely different.”
Bekijk de cover en enkele beelden uit de shoot hier: